Menu Of Services
Open Library
Open during 1st lunch
Send students on passes to do classwork or select books
Reserve computers, tables, or both for class use
Closed for 2nd lunch, club meetings, or scheduled classes
Provide access to a variety of print and digital resources
Locate articles or curate resource lists for projects
Purchase materials based on your requests
Search the catalog
Collaboration & Instruction
Information Literacy lessons:
Research process, website evaluation, source citation and paper formatting, databases vs. google, search strategies, and more!
Digital Citizenship lessons (online safety & responsibility)
Individual assistance with research and paper formatting
Literature Appreciation
Match patrons with the perfect book
Book talks and tastings
Curate book lists around a theme or topic
Book displays and special events
Book Club
Tech troubleshooting
Brain break activities (games, puzzles, coloring)
3D printing