Dresden High School offers approximately 75 classes with 156 sections and has a class size average of 20.2 students.
Course Offerings
Courses are offered in the following areas: English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, Personal Development, Business and Computer, Agriculture, Health Science Technology, Human Services, and Manufacturing Technology.
Foreign Language Waiver
Students will complete two units of the same foreign language and one unit of fine arts except in limited circumstances (students not planning to attend the university), schools may waive the two units of foreign language and one unit of fine arts to expand and enhance their elective focus. Parents and students must sign a Foreign Language Waiver Request that states: “My child will not be attending a university. I, therefore, request that the school waive my child’s state requirement to take two units of a foreign language and/or one unit of fine art. I understand that in lieu of foreign language/fine art that my child will have to take additional focus group elective classes in order to meet graduation requirements.”